Tiguan 2016 ➤, Tiguan 2021 ➤, Tiguan RUS 2017 ➤, Tiguan RUS 2021 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 12.2020
Engine cover panel, common rail die‐
sel engines: removing and installing
– Carefully pull engine cover panel off retaining pins one after
the other -arrows-. Do not pull off engine cover panel abrupt‐
ly or only on one side.
– To prevent damage, do not strike engine cover panel with
the fist or a tool.
– Position engine cover panel, paying attention to oil filler neck
and dipstick.
– Press engine cover panel into rubber grommets first on left
side and then on right side.
Motor compartment cover (noise insu‐
lation) “bottom”: removing and instal‐
The procedure of removing the engine cover panel -bottom-
(noise insulation) can be found in Workshop Manual under:
⇒ General body repairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 66; Noise insulation;
Assembly overview – noise insulation
Engine oil level: checking
Note the following:
– After shutting off engine, wait at least 3 minutes so that the
oil can flow back into the sump.
– Pull out dipstick, wipe with a clean cloth and push dipstick in
again to limit stop.
– Pull dipstick out again and read oil level.
4. Descriptions of work