Tiguan 2021 ➤, Tiguan RUS 2021 ➤
Brake system - Edition 10.2020
Brake test
⇒ p4.4 arking brake”, page 8
General information
♦ The drive is provided by the test rig.
♦ For the test, ensure for vehicles with a manual gearbox that
the gear lever is in neutral, and for vehicles with an automat‐
ic gearbox that the selector lever is in »N«.
♦ When conducting the test, observe the specifications provi‐
ded by the manufacturer of the test rig.
The brake regulation systems do not function when ignition is
Checking vehicles with front-wheel
Carry out the brake test on a single-axle roller dynamometer.
The maximum test speed is 6 km/h.
The test rigs authorised by Volkswagen fulfil these require‐
Checking vehicles with all-wheel drive
⇒ r4.3.2 oller dynamometer for four-wheel drive vehicles”, page
On a regulated roller dynamometer
with counter-rotating rollers for four-
wheel drive vehicles
The brake test must be performed on a controlled contra-ro‐
tating single-axle roller dynamometer for four-wheel drive ve‐
“Counter-rotating” means that the dynamometer rollers of the
single-axle roller dynamometer are driven forwards on one side
and backwards on the other.
The rollers drive the wheels of one axle in opposite directions to
avoid transmitting torque to the other axle.
“Regulated” means that the speed of the brake test stand rollers
is so controlled so that there is no difference in speed during
the brake test.
This prevents the transfer of force through the stationary wheels
(not on the set of rollers) via the propshaft to the rotating wheels
on the rollers.
4. Brake test
Tiguan 2021 ➤, Tiguan RUS 2021 ➤
Brake system - Edition 10.2020
The forward rotating wheel is measured during the test, which
means two brake tests per axle must be performed.
The maximum test speed is 6 km/h.
The test rigs authorised by Volkswagen fulfil these require‐
Without roller dynamometer for four-
wheel drive vehicles
If no test rig is available for four-wheel drive vehicles, the
brake test can also be carried out on a standard single-axle
roller dynamometer as follows:
– Drive vehicle forwards onto the rollers.
– Switch off engine and wait for 2 seconds.
– Carry out front brake test.
– Start engine and wait for approx. 5 seconds until sufficient
vacuum has been built up.
– Drive vehicle forwards until rear wheels are positioned on
– Switch off engine and wait for 2 seconds.
– Carry out rear brake test.
– Start engine and wait for approx. 5 seconds until sufficient
vacuum has been built up.
Checking parking brake
Checking parking brake, vehicles with
front-wheel drive
Activate »TÜV mode«:
Seat belt is fitted
Rear axle on single-axle roller dynamometer
Ignition remains switched on
Auto-hold is switched off
Front wheels must be stationary
Rear wheels must rotate for at least 5 seconds at a constant
speed between 2.5 and 9 km/h.
When entering »TÜV mode«, the yellow electric parking brake
and handbrake fault warning lamp -K214- will light up.
In »TÜV mode«, the electromechanical parking brake does
not close fully when the button is first pressed.
The tension is increased gradually by actuating the electrome‐
chanical parking brake button -E538- 4 times in succession.
Actuating the electromechanical parking brake button -E538- a
fifth time releases the electromechanical parking brake.
Rep. gr.00 - Technical data
Tiguan 2021 ➤, Tiguan RUS 2021 ➤
Brake system - Edition 10.2020
End »TÜV mode«:
Front wheels, speed over 0 km/h
Rear wheels, speed under 2.5 km/h or over 9 km/h
Ignition off.
4. Brake test