Tiguan 2016 ➤, Tiguan 2021 ➤, Tiguan RUS 2017 ➤, Tiguan RUS 2021 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 12.2020
Static faults
If one or more static faults are found in the event memory,
we recommend seeking agreement from the customer to rectify
these faults using Guided Fault Finding.
Sporadic faults
If only sporadic faults or notes are stored in the event memory
and the customer has no complaints regarding the vehicle elec‐
tronic system, erase event memory.
Boots: inspecting
– Check outer and inner boots -arrows- for leaks and damage.
– Ensure clamps -1- are fitted on boots.
Head-up display (HUD): removing pro‐
tective film
Switching on Head-up Display
The transport mode must be switched off.
– Press control next to light switch to switch on the Head-up
– Carefully remove protective film on Head-up Display.
High-voltage battery: checking charge
Checking charge level of high-voltage battery
Charge level display of high-voltage battery is located in instru‐
ment cluster.
The charge level must be determined for the first time on vehi‐
cle delivery:
♦ The high-voltage battery must be charged to at least 80% at
pre-delivery inspection.
♦ During subsequent service inspections, the high-voltage bat‐
tery will be charged fully only if requested by the customer.
Maintenance of high-voltage battery
The high-voltage battery maintenance programme includes de‐
4. Descriptions of work