Tiguan 2016 ➤, Tiguan 2021 ➤, Tiguan RUS 2017 ➤, Tiguan RUS 2021 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 12.2020
Entries in service schedule
If a component is changed which has a change interval prescri‐
bed by the manufacturer, e.g. the toothed belt, the new change
interval begins at the time the component is changed.
Therefore it is very important, every time a component is
changed, to document this in the service schedule.
This also applies to components which were changed before
the regular change interval.
Severe operating conditions
If the vehicle is used under severe operating conditions some
work will have to be performed before the next service is due or
at shorter service intervals.
Regular short trips or stop and go operation in urban traffic
High percentage of cold starts
Vehicle is used in areas with winter temperatures over a
long period
Regular long periods of idling (e.g. taxis)
Vehicle is often driven at full throttle with high payload or
whilst towing a trailer
Using diesel with elevated sulphur content
Regular operation in areas with high levels of dust
Countries with generally poor road conditions such as high
number of potholes, protrusions, high elevations in the road/
deep “tramlines”.
High number of gravel roads with poor surface quality,
such as irregularities/bumps, elevations, protruding stones,
Subtropical climates (combination of high ambient tempera‐
ture and high air humidity)
3. General information
Tiguan 2016 ➤, Tiguan 2021 ➤, Tiguan RUS 2017 ➤, Tiguan RUS 2021 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 12.2020
Vehicle data sticker
“Vehicle data sticker”: attaching to
service schedule or owner’s manual
– Apply the lower of the two vehicle data stickers -arrow- in the
service schedule or the owner's manual.
In markets with digital service schedules (DSP), the place to
paste the vehicle date sticker has moved from the service
schedule to the owner's manual.
Vehicle data sticker
The vehicle data sticker -arrow- is located in luggage compart‐
ment on right in spare wheel recess. The vehicle data sticker is
also found in the service schedule for the customer.
The sticker contains the following data of the vehicle
3. General information
Tiguan 2016 ➤, Tiguan 2021 ➤, Tiguan RUS 2017 ➤, Tiguan RUS 2021 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 12.2020
1 - Vehicle identification number
2 - Vehicle type, engine output, gearbox
3 - Engine and gearbox codes, paint number, interior equipment
4 - Optional equipment, PR numbers
The sticker in service schedule includes the same data. The
legend can be found below the sticker.
Vehicle diagnostic tester
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Diagnosis system -VAS 6160 A-
♦ Diagnosis system VCI -VAS 6150 C-
Ensure that the selected vehicle diagnostic tester is used only
with the respective diagnostic cable.
During a road test, always secure testing and measuring
equipment on the back seat.
Only a passenger may operate these devices while the vehi‐
cle is in motion.
3. General information