Tiguan 2016 ➤ , Tiguan RUS 2017 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 11.2018
Adaptive cruise control
⇒ “6.3 Calibrating adaptive cruise control”, page 49
Overview of fitting locations - adaptive cruise control
1 - Dash panel insert - KX2-
❑ With control unit in dash
panel insert - J285- .
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 52
2 - Adaptive cruise control but‐
ton - E357-
❑ Integrated in multifunc‐
tion steering wheel
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ Communication;
Rep. gr. 91 ; Multifunc‐
tion steering wheel; Re‐
moving and installing
multifunction buttons in
steering wheel -E441- /
-E440- .
3 - Electrical connector
4 - Radiator grille
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ General body repairs,
exterior; Rep. gr. 66 ;
Radiator grille/front trim;
Removing and installing
radiator grille
5 - Adaptive cruise control unit
- J428-
❑ Calibrating ⇒ page 49
6 - Volkswagen emblem
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ General body repairs,
exterior; Rep. gr. 66 ;
Lettering and emblems;
Removing and installing emblems at vehicle front .
Removing and installing automatic dis‐
tance control unit
If the automatic distance control unit - J428- is renewed, start the
respective function ⇒ Vehicle diagnostic tester.
Rep. gr.27 - Starter, current supply, CCS theMANUALS.org
Tiguan 2016 ➤ , Tiguan RUS 2017 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 11.2018
– Remove VW emblem from radiator grille ⇒ General body re‐
pairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 66 ; Lettering and emblems; Removing
and installing emblems at vehicle front .
– Release locking lugs -2-.
– At the same time, swing adaptive cruise control unit - J428-
-1- in -direction of arrow- out of radiator grille.
Install in the reverse order of removal, observing the following:
– The adaptive cruise control unit - J428- must be heard to en‐
gage firmly in radiator grille.
Calibrating adaptive cruise control
– The adaptive cruise control unit - J428- must be calibrated if
any of the following conditions apply:
⇒ Running gear, axles, steering; Rep. gr. 44 ; Adaptive cruise
control; Calibrating adaptive cruise control
♦ Excessive horizontal adjustment of the adaptive cruise control
unit - J428- results in permanent deactivation of the functions
ACC/front scan system. In this case, the following message
appears in the dash panel insert - KX2- : ACC/front scan
system not available.
♦ Limited sensor functionality due to soiling or weather condi‐
tions, e.g. heavy rain, snowfall, sensor icing etc., results in
temporary loss of the ACC/front scan system functions. In this
case, the following message appears in the dash panel insert
- KX2- : ACC/front scan system: no sensor data.
– Calibrate adaptive cruise control ⇒ Running gear, axles,
steering; Rep. gr. 44 ; Adaptive cruise control; Calibrating
adaptive cruise control .
6. Adaptive cruise control