If the data transmission is limited with the function
for Volkswagen AG liegen. These may be in particular:
In the “Privacy” section, it is not possible to enable or
disable files separately.
— Wartungen, Reparaturen, Deaktivierungen, Soft
wareaktualisierungen und technische Erweiterun
gen an den Telekommunikationsanlagen, Satelli
ten, Servern und Datenbanken.
Function button: function
Service administration
show services
— Change of the mobile telephony standard for
the transmission of mobile data by the
telecommunications service provider, for example,
from LTE or UMTS to EDGE or GPRS.
All: overview of all services available in the
Activate: to activate one or more services.
Disable: to disable one or more services.
— Disconnection of an existing mobile telephony
standard by the telecommunications service provider.
Fit options are not available in all markets or on all vehicle models.
— Interference, disturbance or interruption in the
GPS and mobile phone signal reception due to, for
example, high-speed driving, solar storms, weather
influences, topography, jamming equipment and
Introduction to the topic
intensive use of mobile phones on the radio cells in
The “Privacy” function gradually allows or prevents
data transmissions between the vehicle and the
— When you are in areas with no or insufficient mobile
phone or GPS coverage. Also p. g., in tunnels,
confined areas between very tall buildings, garages,
underpasses, mountains and valleys.
The desired mode can be set in the infotainment
The “Privacy” function only applies to data
transmissions via the OCU with an integrated eSIM
card. Die Datenübertragung eines gekoppelten Mobil
telefons mit der Telefonschnittstelle kann über die
— External information from third-party providers
available with limitations, incomplete or incorrect,
e.g. eg, representations of maps.
— Länder and Regionen, in denen We Connect nicht
angeboten wird.
Funktion “Privatsphäre” nicht unterbunden werden.
Die Funktion “Privatsphäre” ist nicht in allen Info
tainment-Systemen verfügbar.
Services required by law and their data transmission
cannot be switched off or deactivated, for example
Service administration
the “emergency call system (eCall)”.
Diensteverwaltung aufrufen: System Service antippen.
With the service management you can do the
Please note that all vehicle users can
following in the infotainment system:
configure individual settings in the “Privacy”
— See which We Connect services are currently
available in the vehicle.
function. These settings may not match what the
vehicle owner wants.
— The number of We Connect services that are
activated or deactivated.
— Activate or deactivate We Connect services.
To allow or prevent data transmissions, activate one
of the following four modes in the infotainment system.
If you deactivate each and every We Connect
service, the OCU may continue to transmit
Mode: Offline
We Connect services can be activated and deactivated
separately. To do this, open the dropdown menu on
the service and select.
In this mode the following happens:
data transmissions
— All We Connect, We Connect Plus and We Connect
Fleet services are deactivated and are not sending
via the We Connect portal or the We Connect
— The eSIM card is activated.
— All tracking services are out of service ÿ p.
— All vehicle functions that require an Internet
connection via the eSIM card are activated.
— The eSIM card is disabled.
— All vehicle functions that require an Internet
connection via the eSIM card are disabled ÿ p.
Status indication
— Es können keine in den Steuergeräten hinterleg
ten Informationen und Daten aktualisiert werden,
z. B. Notrufnummern. This can reduce functions
and services or even cause them to stop being
The following symbols indicate individually or in
combination the corresponding status of the
“Privacy” function in the infotainment system.
Gray globe (offline): no internet connection
— Services required by law cannot be deactivated
and continue to send data.
White globe (online): Internet connection is
Mode: No location
In this mode the following happens:
Kennzeichen für den Modus “Offline”.
Symbol of the “No location” mode.
— Die jeweils aktuelle Position des Fahrzeugs wird
nicht gesendet.
— All tracking services are out of service ÿ p.
— The eSIM card remains active.
Symbol of the “Use location” mode.
— All vehicle functions that require an Internet
connection via the eSIM card are activated ÿ p.
Symbol of the “Share location” mode.
Mode: Use location
Darstellungsbeispiel für Modus “Offline”:
In this mode the following happens:
— Die jeweils aktuelle Position des Fahrzeugs wird
anderen Personen nicht mitgeteilt.
How it affects online features and
tracking services
— All tracking services are out of service ÿ p.
When the data transfer is restricted, for example, the
following online vehicle functions and tracking services
cannot be executed.
— The eSIM card remains active.
— All vehicle functions that require an Internet
connection via the eSIM card are activated.
Some online vehicle features and tracking services
are only available in certain markets and vehicle
Mode: Share location
In this mode the following happens:
Vehicle online functions
— All We Connect, We Connect Plus and We Connect
— Emergency call service
Fleet services can send and receive data without
— Online burglar alarm.
— All tracking services are active
— Online voice management.
— Update of online maps.
— Online traffic information.
— Only the main user and co-users can access
the vehicle position data
5 N M 0 1 2 7 6 0 A J
— Personalization.
- Upgrade system.
guest user only has limited access to certain mobile online
— Registration and activation of We Connect.
anonymous user
tracking services
— Vehicle location.
— Zone notification.
— Speed notification.
— Parking position.
The “anonymous user” role is an impersonal and local account
existing in the vehicle, which cannot be synchronized with the
server. Such an account only exists on vehicles with online
personalization and cannot be deleted.
If the “anonymous user” role is activated in the vehicle, all users
logged in to the vehicle are temporarily logged out.
For new vehicle online functions and tracking services
that are being put on
will soon be available in the vehicle, these limitations also
Anonymous users are people who have access to the vehicle,
but do not log in.
Users Management
Create and delete user roles
Description of user roles
Create main users Sign in to
We Connect and add your user account to your vehicle.
Open user administration: On the home page of the infotainment
system, tap the main menu Users or User administration.
Create cousers
New users can log in to the vehicle with their We Connect
account or re-register. In doing so, a user profile is automatically
Main user The role
created in the infotainment system.
of “main user” is intended for the owner of the vehicle or for
users of the vehicle who are only temporarily authorized, for
example, leasing tenants or drivers of company vehicles. The
primary user has unlimited rights and can grant additional rights
to other vehicle users by inviting them as co-users.
If a new user has not been invited as a user by the main user,
the user profile is automatically saved as a guest user in the
infotainment system.
Delete main user
1. In the privacy settings, select the mode “Share location” or
If another user legitimately becomes the primary user of the
“Online mode”.
vehicle, the previous primary user automatically loses their
primary user role.
2. Infotainment-System auf Werkseinstellung zu rücksetzen
Oder: Einen neuen Nutzer im Fahrzeug legiti mieren.
The role of "co-user" is intended for users who use the vehicle
regularly. The position of the co-users is derived from the main
user: he has to invite the co-users to the vehicle. The main user
can remove co-users whenever they want.
If another privacy setting is selected, the primary user
can still remain on the server.
guest user
The “guest user” role is intended for users who use the vehicle
sporadically or only once. The guest user can register for it in
any vehicle eligible for the services, without the need for the
participation of the main user. Any user in the vehicle can remove
the guest user in the vehicle at any time. He
Open the settings menu in the infotainment system:
1. HOME Nutzerverwaltung antippen.
Oder: MENU Nutzerverwaltung antippen.
data transmissions
Diese Einstellmöglichkeiten können je nach Ausstat tung des
Function anomalous or temporarily unavailable.
Fahrzeugs vorhanden sein: — I (main user).
Eine Mobilfunkverbindung ist in folgenden Fällen notwendig:
— Others (co-users).
- Keys.
— Fur den Kauf der Funktion
— Zur Aktivierung der Funktion.
— Settings.
— Zur Ausführung von aktivierten Funktionen, die eine
dauerhafte Konnektivität benötigen.
Activate functions (We
Upgra de)
Aktivierbare Funktionen für das Fahrzeug sind in die ser
Betriebsanleitung oder im Infotainment-System, auf der
Volkswagen Website oder in Ihrem We Connect Benutzerkonto
beschrieben. Einige Funktionen benötigen keine Beschreibung,
z. B. Funktionen zur optischen oder farblichen Änderung des
Introduction to the topic
After delivery, certain functions may be added to the vehicle.
Aktivierte Funktionen sind nicht an die Laufzeit des We Connect
Vertrags gebunden.
Abhängig vom Fahrzeugmodell können grundsätz lich Komfort-
und Infotainment-Funktionen sowie Fahrerassistenzsysteme
aktiviert und freigeschaltet werden.
Requirements to activate a function
The activation of functions depends on the production state of
the vehicle. Activation of functions is only possible in some
vehicle models and not in all markets.
— A suitable infotainment system is mounted in the vehicle.
— Compatibilität und Leistungsfähigkeit der im
Lesen und beachten Sie vor Nutzung der aktivierten Funktion die
jeweiligen Informationen und Warnhin weise in der
Betriebsanleitung oder in der ggf. be reitgestellten digitalen
Fahrzeug vorhandenen Hardware sind sicherges tellt.
— There is a We Connect contract in force between you and
In case of lending or selling the vehicle, inform the user or the
— The vehicle is assigned to your user account
buyer about the activated functions.
by WeConnect.
— Ausreichender Mobilfunkempfang am aktuellen Standort
des Fahrzeugs ist vorhanden.
Wenn die notwendige Hardware im Fahrzeug für die
aktivierbare Funktion nicht vorhanden
— The vehicle's electrical system is operational.
— 12-Volt-Fahrzeugbatterie ist ausreichend geladen.
ist, kann die Hardware in einigen Fällen durch einen hierfür
qualifizierten Fachbetrieb nachgerüstet wer den. Volkswagen
recommends a Volkswagen dealer.
— Werkseitig eingebaute OCU oder in einigen Län dern das
We Connect Steuergerät ist vorhanden.
If the software required for the function to be activated is
not available in the vehicle, it can be installed later p. 232,
System update. Depending on the type of software, it may be paid.
Operations for an Activation
Fahren Sie das Fahrzeug während einer Aktivierung nicht.
1. Switch on the ignition.
2. Confirm activation in the infotain system
I lied.
Wenn die Funktion ordnungsgemäß aktiviert ist, kann sie bis
zum Ende der vereinbarten Laufzeit ge nutzt werden.
3. During activation, note the information displayed in the info
tainment system.
5 N M 0 1 2 7 6 0 A J
Indicates that a function is activated.
After activation, for some functions it is necessary to disconnect
and return
activate functions